Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Silat is martial arts from Indonesia

Silat is a collective word for a class of indigenous martial arts from a geo-cultural area of Southeast Asia encompassing most of the Nusantara, the Indonesia Archipelago, the Malay Archipelago and the entirety of the Malay Peninsula. Originally developed in what are now Indonesia,Malay Peninsula, south Thailand, and Singapore, it is also traditionally practised in Brunei, Vietnam and the southern Philippines. There are hundreds of different styles (aliran) and schools (perguruan) but they tend to focus either on strikes, joint manipulation, throws, weaponry, or some combination thereof. Silat is one of the sports included in the Southeast Asian Games and other region-wide competitions. Training halls are overseen by separate national organisations in each of the main countries the art is practised. These are Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI) from Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) from Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) from Brunei and Persekutuan Silat Singapura (PERSISI) from Singapore. Practitioners are called pesilat.
Definition of Pencak Silat General
Definition of Pencak Silat in general is a method of self-defense that was created to defend themselves from the dangers that can threaten the safety and survival. While in dictionary Indonesian, martial arts sense be interpreted as a game / skill in defending the intelligence parry, attack and defend themselves with or without weapons. There are also saying that martial arts is a martial motion accompanied by a high level so that the sense of mastery and effective motion control.

Definition of Pencak Silat in Indonesia
Here are some opinions that vary by experts in defining the martial arts:
1.      Abdus Sjukur
Abdul Sjukur a college figures Bawean martial arts.
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"Pencak is the beauty of movement by avoiding measures which included the movement of comedy element. Pencak can dipertotonkan as a means of entertainment. Silat is an element of self-defense techniques to fend off, menterang and that can’t be exhibited in public."

2.       Hasan Habudin
Hasan Habudin the martial arts is a character pamur in Madura.
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"Pencak is a martial art that was exhibited by the set, whereas the essence of martial arts as halibut can’t be demonstrated. In the Madurese community arts is considered rooted in Madura 'apengkarepeng aloncak rate', which spins while meloncak.
Silat 'se amaen mancelat tool' that the player berloncat fro like lightning.

3.       Boechori Ahmad
Boechori Ahmad is a martial arts hero Holy Footprint in Jember
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"The term 'pencak' came from Madura teaching of the word 'halibut' another fact, namely 'random Mancak' which means jumping from side to side to move his hands and feet.
Pencak is human nature to defend yourself while silat as an element that connects movement and mind. "

4.       Imam Koesepangat
Koesepangat Imam is Professor of Setia Hati Teratai, Madiun:
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"Pencak is a martial unopposed motion
Silat martial is not to be contested
According to Mr. Wongsonegoro, leaders of IPSI
Martial arts is a strike movement in the form of dance and rhythmic with a certain modesty customs regulations, commonly performed in public.
Silat is the essence of halibut, science fray or defensively dead death that can not be performed in public. "

5.      Holidin
Holidin Panglipur is a figure which is located in Bandung.
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"Pencak is the sense of knowledge, reciter and right to use
Silat is friendship".

6.      Soetardjonegoro
Soetardjonegoro is Mataram located Phasadja figure in Yogyakarta.
He defines the notion of martial arts as follows:

"Pencak is a defense motion to attack organized according to the system, time, place and the climate by always keeping their respective honorary knight, not hurt feelings.
Silat is a defense motion that closely denngan attack spiritually, thus sharpening instincts, moving the human conscience, a direct attack to the Lord Almighty. "

Silat is expected to spread in the Indonesian archipelago since the 7th century BC, but their origin could not be determined with certainty. Great empires, such as Srivijaya and Majapahit mentioned have great warrior-warrior who master the martial arts and be able to muster the soldiers who expertise in self-defense can be relied upon. Silat researcher Donald F. Draeger found evidence of martial arts can be seen from the various artifacts weapons recovered from the classical period (Hindu-Buddhist) and the sculptural reliefs containing attitudes horses silat in Prambanan and Borobudur temples. In his book, Draeger wrote that weapons and martial arts silat is indispensable, not only in body work, but also on the spiritual relationship that is closely associated with the culture of Indonesia. Meanwhile Sheikh Shamsuddin (2005) argues that there are significant martial arts from China and India in silat. This is because since the beginning of the Malay culture has been influenced by cultures brought by traders and immigrants from India, China, and other foreign countries.
Pencak Silat has been recognized by the majority of the Malay community in various names. In peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, better known as the silat is gayong and insufficient flow. In Thailand, martial arts known as the wrangle, and in the southern Philippines known as pasilat. From the name, it is known that the term "martial arts" the most widely spread, so it is suspected that this martial spread from Sumatra to various regions of Southeast Asia shoreline.
Silat tradition handed down orally and spread by word of mouth, taught from teacher to pupil, so the written records of the origin of martial arts is hard to find. Silat history told through legends which vary from one region to another. Minangkabau legends, martial arts (language Minangkabau: Silek) created by Datuk Suri Kings of Pariangan, Tanah Datar at the foot of Mount Merapi in the 11th century. Silek then taken and developed by the Minang people throughout Southeast Asia. Similarly, the folklore of the origin of martial arts Cimande flow, which tells of a woman who modeled the movement of a fight between a tiger and a monkey. Each area generally has a martial character (warrior) proud of, for example, Prabu Siliwangi as Sunda Pajajaran martial arts hero, Hang Tuah Malacca commander, Gajah Mada of Majapahit mahapatih and Pitung of Betawi.
The development of martial historically began to be recorded when the spread was much influenced by the propagator of Islam in the 14th century in the archipelago. At that time, martial arts are taught together with religious lessons at the mosque or pesantren. Silat to be a part of spiritual practice. In the culture of some ethnic groups in Indonesia, the martial arts are an integral part in the customary ceremony. For example Randai dance art that nobody else is Silek Minangkabau movement is often featured in various events and custom events Minangkabau. In Betawi traditional wedding procession there is the tradition of "doorstop", ie demonstration silat Betawi are packed in a little charade. This event is usually held before the marriage ceremony, which is a small drama that tells the groom's entourage on his way to the bride's house was blocked by a champion (warrior) told local village also put his heart to the bride. Then there was martial arts bout midway between champions penghadang with warrior-warrior bridesmaids man who of course won by the guards of the groom.
Silat then developed from martial arts and folk dance, to be part of the education of defending the country to face the alien invaders. In the history of the struggle against the Dutch colonialists, carrying fighters who took up arms, like Panembahan Senopati, Sultan Agung, Prince Diponegoro, Teuku Cik Di Tiro, Teuku Umar, Imam Bonjol, as well as the warrior women, like Sabai Nan Aluih, Cut Nyak Dien, and cut Nyak Meutia.
Silat is now recognized as the culture of the Malays in the broad sense, ie the residents of coastal areas of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, as well as a variety of other ethnic groups who use the lingua franca of the Malay language in various areas in Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and islands -miami others who also developed this martial.
Recognizing the importance of developing the role of martial arts it is deemed necessary to martial arts organization which is national, which can also bind streams of Pencak Silat throughout Indonesia. On May 18, 1948, formed the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) IPSI is now listed as the oldest national martial arts organization in the world.
On March 11, 1980, Pencak Silat Association between nations (Persilat) was established on the initiative of Eddie M. Nalapraya (Indonesia), who was then chairman of the IPSI. The event was also attended by representatives from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam. Four countries including Indonesia, set as founder Persilat.
Some national silat organizations include the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) in Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) in Malaysia, Singapore Persekutuan Silat (EXACT) in Singapore, and Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) in Brunei. Has grown also dozens of universities martial arts in the United States and Europe. Silat has now officially entered as a sport in international matches, particularly competed in the SEA Games.
This element of the Pencak Silat
There are some elements of pencak silat including the following:
· Sports, gain physical fitness and athletic achievement.
· Art, showing the beauty of the gesture.
· Martial, who practice implementation aims to defend themselves effectively.
· Education mental spirituality, as the manifestation of a physical and a mental visual self-control, which aims to strengthen the practical implementation power of self-contained and therefore more emphasis on the mental aspects of spirituality.
· Brotherhood toward unity
Fixtures Pencak Silat
Some of the fixtures in the sport of martial arts both in the arena and when playing, as follows:
· The match can be on the floor and covered with a thick mat 5 cm, the size of 10 m x 10 m base color bright green and white line of 5 cm, the field of circular diameter of 8 m, the middle circle diameter of 3 m.

· Jam game, gongs, and bells
· Cue lights of red, blue, and yellow
· Small flag red and blue
· Clothing: wear clothing martial arts black and white belt, IPSI badge on the left
· bodyprotector according to the standard black color IPSI
· Gum Shil
· Protecting joints
· To pesilat male using genetile protector

Basic motion martial arts is a move planned, directed, coordinated and controlled, which has four aspects as a whole, namely the aspect of mental and spiritual aspects of martial arts, sports aspects, and aspects of art and culture. thus, martial arts is a sport that is complete enough to be studied because it has four aspects which is a unified whole and
can not be separated. Forms of learning attitude in martial arts are as follows.
a.       Learning Activities Attitude Standing

b.      Learning Activities Attitude Stance tide

The attitude of the horses post an attitude to launch an attack or defense that is patterned conducted at the beginning or end of the movement. Attitude tide there are three forms, namely:
·         The attitude of the horses up front post
·           The attitude of the horses behind the central post
·           The attitude of the horses down the middle pairs.
The formation of an initial motion in defense or attack. Formation of motion consists of setting the direction and measures.
a.       Direction

Direction is a target in motion, either at the time to defend or attack. Directions known as the eight directions of the compass. Steps performed in a certain direction in accordance with its requirements.
b.      Step

Treadle step is a change from one place to another. Steps can be done straight, cross / oblique. How to do this can be a way lifted, shearing, ingutan, leaps and bounds.

Without mastery of martial arts defense techniques it is unlikely that we will get a good technique and correct. The defense is the main principle in martial arts, so it must be completely controlled. Forms the basic defense among others, by doing dodgery and parry.
c.       Dodgery done by moving the target of the attack direction. Directions dodgery carried out in accordance with the direction of the eight winds. 

Note the following rebuttal kinds of movement

a.       Attack.
Mer attack upakan advocacy efforts done by using arms or legs to the body of the opponent. The attack was carried through Hands In Shape Punch, and can be done way: Boxing, Guess, Totok, Bantul, Push and Shove. Besides attacks can also do from the Home, Up, Down, Side, Serong, and Rear.
·         Kick

Kicks can be done Backs Feet, Feet, Feet tip and heel.
·         Mechanical Swoop

·         Mechanical Dengkulan
Dengkulan that attacks using the knee / knee as a means of attack.
·                     Clipping
Clipping is a technique to knock your opponent is done by pinning both legs at the target. Cutout consists of clipping the outside and fleece inside.
b.      parry
     Defense is a defense technique by way of making direct contact with the opponent's attack.
Defense in martial arts can be done in the following way.
1) Parry One Arm

     Parry one arm c
onsists of external defense, the defense, blocks up and down defense

2) Parry Two Arm

     Parry parry two arms consisting of two parallel arms and upper arms, defense high split
and the lower, upper and lower cross defense, and defense side exhaust outside and inside.
3) Parry Street
     Parry parry feet consists of closed toe side, blocks the foot of the front cover, blocks feet
close the exhaust outside, and parry arc foot outside and inside.

Rules The match Pencak  Silat

Regulation of The match Pencak Silat in Indonesia contains about Compete Provisions, which includes provisions victory, Pesilat Legal Terms and Conditions Ratin
Well we peeled on the Rules of Game Pencak Silat as follows:

1.      Playing Conditions
a.       Pencak silat match carried out by two fighters face each other to achieve the feat.
·         Conducting defense (avoidance, dodgery and defense)
·         Conducting an attack on target (attack the hands and feet)
·          Dropping opponent.
·          Locking opponent.
b.      Martial arts match made in 3 rounds, each round invitation for 2 minutes and 1 minute rest between rounds.
c.        Match Conditions
Every defense and attack must be patterned tie initial attitude, couples, steps and coordination in an attack / defense should return to the initial attitude / pair.
Attacks streak must be arranged with the orderly and sequential in various ways toward the target, as much as 4 types of attacks

Complying with the provisions on the objectives, restrictions and rules of martial arts and the rules of arbitration generally.

d.       Pencak silat match led by one rang referee and five judges.
2.      Victory Conditions
Pencak silat match rules contain provisions victory as follows:
a.       Winning numbers, if the match is completed 3 rounds and judges win one fighter to the number of more than his opponent
b.      Winning techniques if his opponent could not continue the game due;
·         Declared itself unable to continue the match.
·         Upon the decision of the match doctor, because the condition of the athlete might endanger
·         At the request of the coach
c.       Absolute win, if his opponent fell because attacks are legitimate and are not conscious after the referee count up to 10 in 10 seconds
d.      Win disqualification, if:
·         Opponent received a warning after warning 3rd 2nd
·         Opponents committed serious violations given immediate disqualification penalty.
·         Opponents offense first level and the opponent an injury and could not continue the game on the doctor's decision match.
e.       Win because the game is not balanced
f.       Win because the opponents are not present in the game or resign.
3.      Legal Provisions To Pesilat
Regulation martial arts game contains provisions to halibut martial law as follows:
a.       Strikes, given when a fighter commit minor offenses.
·         Strike I, minus the value of one (1)
·          Strike II, the value was reduced to two (2)
b.      Warning I, if a fighter was reprimanded all 3 in one round due to minor offenses. This warning subtract five (5)
c.       Warning II, given when a fighter gets a warning I, Peingatan II, minus the value of ten (10)
d.      Disqualification is given when a fighter:
·         Received a warning after warning II.
·         Committed serious violations of which are driven by the element of intent is contrary to the norms of sports.
·         The first level offense and the opponent can not continue the game injured on the doctor's decision match.
4.      Provision Assessment
Assessment provisions in martial arts game rules are as follows:
a.       A value of 1 (one)
Dodgery / parry successful that took place followed by an incoming attack on the target, or the fallout of successful techniques
    Hand attack coming on goal
b.      A value of 2 (two)
Offensive foot in on target
c.       Value 3 (three)
d.      Value 4 (four)
locking opponent
e.       In addition to the above values ​​are given value neatness technique, ie an assessment of the rules of the game of martial arts, with the lowest score of 2 (two) and the highest grade 5 (five) in each half.
5.      Targets to be attacked are part of the body, except the neck up and genitals, namely:
·         Chest
·         Stomach
·         Left hip and right hip
·         Back
While the legs and hands can be targeted for attack by dropping and locking, but it does not have value as an attack.



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